Sue Regan Gregson - Writer, Editor, Author

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Site under construction 6/2023. Until my site is up, here’s a brief bio.

I was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware, where I started writing in fourth grade. My 8th grade English teacher Mrs. MacDowell convinced me I could be a writer. Since then I’ve written marketing materials, news releases, legal and medical curricula, speeches for governors and a president, and more than a dozen nonfiction books for grades K-6, mostly historical biographies. I’ve also written a handful of high-low books for high schoolers and ESL students on medical topics and a series of more than 50 math workbooks to accompany Harcourt texts for grades K-6.

I’m currently researching a story about a 19-years-old farmer from New York named Rosetta Wakeman who enlisted as a Union soldier during the American Civil War. Rosetta guarded Washington DC and fought in Louisiana, where she died and was buried as Private Lyons Wakeman. I hope to write a middle-grader or YA narrative nonfiction book about Rosetta based in part on the letters she wrote home to family. 

When I’m not writing or editing, you will find me tooling around recklessly in my outdoor and indoor wheelchairs or studying American Sign Language (I’ve been deaf since I was a tween and read lips). I live in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, with my husband, two kids who attend college, two rescue puppers, three rescue kitties, and three rescue snakes. I’m counting the days until I move back to Baltimore city. 

You can reach out to me at